Sunday, 25 May 2014

25th May 2014

Rock Solid:
We had been planning a scavenger hunt for Rock Solid this week with Newport Rock Solid, however, the weather didn't seem to agree with our plans, so we postponed the scavenger hunt in favor of some games in the dry with the boys from Newport Rock Solid.

Schools Work:
We went into Carisbrooke on Monday to give out free juice and to CTK  on Friday during lunch time to chat to young people there.

We continued our lectures on Hermeneutics and the Old Testament. We looked at Amos in OT, and at allegory and typology in Hermeneutics - the way that some parts of the Old Testament point towards a better version of what they are in the New Testament (I think!)

The Space:
This week we held The Space, as it currently is, for the last time. After half term the time will be changing to 6.30 - 9pm. If you'd like to help out, please let me know! 
(This basically involves drinking hot chocolate, eating cake, and hopefully chatting to young people - who wouldn't want to come and help out?!)

The young people at DofE continued their map work this week. We have been planning an expedition for the end of the month, but unfortunately it has been postponed.

Map work at DofE

At YFC we held a youth worship event on Friday evening called Catalyst. It was themed around peer pressure and we shared in a time of sung worship together.

Other stuff:
I had a meeting with YFC as usual and another meeting with my YFC mentor to chat about how everything is going as a YTP at Gunville. 
I'm leaving the island for a few days over half term to spend some time with my family back home whilst the schools are off and we're not running our usual activities.

On Sunday 8th June we will be holding a youth led service at Gunville Methodist with some young people from Cowes.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

18th May 2014

Rock Solid:
Rock Solid was great fun again this week. We played a 'running around version' of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' among other games, had a chat about what makes you a good or bad person and spent some time making bookmarks.

Craft at Rock Solid

Games at Rock Solid

Schools Work:
We went into CTK as usual on Friday during lunch time to chat to young people there and build relationships.

We had lectures on Hermeneutics and Old Testament again this week, but we also had the author of the book 'Living Out' come in to do a Q&A session in the afternoon which was brilliant.

The young people at DofE worked on their plans for their expedition this week. We're hoping to get them out to complete their practice expedition during half term.

Other stuff:
We have plans for an upcoming service to be led by young people from Gunville and Cowes, so this week I met up with a youth worker from Cowes to start making plans.
I also attended a first aid course this week along with others who are on the youth team at Gunville... so now we're fully prepared!

For Rock Solid this week, we're meeting up with Newport Rock Solid for a scavenger hunt up at the forest - should be good fun!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

11th May 2014


Rock Solid:
We welcomed yet more girls to Rock Solid recently and have been starting to have some really good discussions about faith, life and God. I'm so excited to see the young people really thinking in depth about these kinds of issues and sharing some insightful thoughts. We've also played a bunch of crazy games like 'bed sheet relay races' and 'the water challenge'.

Rock Solid

The Space:
After a quiet week at the end of April, we welcomed 'Go Deeper' (a youth group from Cowes) this week, and after playing a game of dobble and having a drink and cake, they helped us to hand out free cakes around Gunville.
After half term we have agreed to change the time of The Space to 6.30 - 9pm. We hope that this will enable us to fulfill the vision of The Space better and welcome more young people from the local area who have nowhere to go in the evenings.

Rising Tide:
Last week we had a look at heros and talked about how Jesus has saved us. As I was away today at RS weekend Away, Emma led Rising Tide.

Rock Solid Weekend Away and RS Quest:
This weekend I've been at Westbrooke in Ryde helping to lead IOW YFC's annual 'Rock Solid Weekend Away'. The whole weekend is for young people in year 8 from across the island who go to a Rock Solid club. We had a great weekend playing games, eating good food and learning about Jesus.

On Saturday afternoon, everyone else who goes to a Rock Solid club on the island joined us for 'RS Quest' - an afternoon of challenges. Some of our young people from Gunville Rock Solid came along and we teamed up with Niton Rock Solid to form 'NUNVILLE!' Everyone did really well in the challenges and we came in third place!

Some of Team 'Nunville' at RS Quest
Uganda Evening:
Last Saturday I ran a social evening at Church all about Uganda. People got to try some typical Ugandan food, have a go at speaking Luganda and even played a game! 

Local food at the Uganda Evening

This week I finished my last essay for this year and next week I'll be handing in my portfolio - I'll still have a couple more weeks of lectures, but the end of my first year at Moorlands is in sight!

At Duke of Edinburgh the young people have been starting to plan their route for their first expedition which we're hoping to do in May half term.