Sunday, 23 February 2014

23rd February 2014

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Everything has been a bit different this week because it has been the school half term holiday.

Sunday Service
Chloe did very well reading the opening prayers in church, and in Rising Tide we looked at the Transfiguration and we talked about God's glory.

On Monday, Chloe and Kayleigh learnt how to make lots of yummy treats, and on Tuesday they sold them at the coffee morning.

The Space
We're very excited to launch The Space (Youth Cafe) on Wednesday, so this week I spent a bit of time working out practical things like how we're going to set up the room.

We will be needing plenty of cakes and goodies at The Space on Wednesday, so if you're able to make or provide some, let me know and we can arrange collection / delivery.

Time off
On Tuesday evening I left the Island for some time off (although I'm still writing an essay and a sermon!). If you're interested in the other stuff that I get up to, I also keep a personal blog which you can access here.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. 

Things to pray for:

- Pray for Rock Solid this week - for committed, healthy and willing volunteers, and for more young people to come along, feel welcome and enjoy it.
- Pray for the launch of The Space youth cafe. Pray that we get a good turn out, that it goes smoothly, and that everyone has a good time.
- Pray for me as I prepare a sermon for the service on the 2nd March.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

16th February 2014

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Rock Solid:
We learnt about what the Bible says about love.

Rising Tide:
Rising Tide is the youth group during church on Sundays. This week we will be learning about the glory of Jesus.

The Space - our new Youth Cafe, will open on the 26th February. We are now all set to open, but will need some volunteers to provide cakes or other treats.

At Moorlands this week:
We had lectures about the importance of context, and about the archaeology used in researching the culture of the Bible. I also got back an essay that I wrote on the culture of New Testament Galilee and it received a good grade.

At Duke of Edinburgh this week:
We took the young people indoor rock climbing - something I love to do. I taught them how to tie in, how to communicate properly whilst climbing and how to belay for a climber. It was great to see them growing in confidence and trust of each other.

With Youth for Christ this week:
Catalyst Weekend Away:
Last weekend we took around 70 young people to Westbrook (an Urban Saints residential centre near Ryde) for a weekend youth camp. We shared lots of worship, games, good food and good teaching. I ran a couple of seminars on God's plan for our lives which went really well as well as lots of other things like leading a small group, running games and hosting an evening session.
Go Deeper:
This week I went over to Cowes to help out with a cluster group (like a house group) called 'Go Deeper'. We did some practical volunteering - putting lots of tins away at the Food Bank, and we had a bible study on Acts 1.
Schools Work: 
We went into Christ the King for Friday Lunch Club. It was a great chance to meet lots of young people and I took the opportunity to advertise The Space and Rock Solid.
Listening Training: 
This week we completed our listening training!
Dan's Departure:
On Friday we said goodbye to Dan - one of the YFC team, as he left for Canada where he will be working for 5 weeks. This is for his block placement as part of his course at Moorlands. We're all very excited for him, and look forward to hearing all about it when he gets back.

Next Week:
Next week is half term, so Rock Solid, Rising Tide, The Space and DofE won't be running. I will be baking with some young people from church on Monday, ready to taste our products at the coffee morning on Tuesday! After this I will be going home for a few days, but I will be back after Moorlands the following Tuesday.

Things to pray for:
- Please pray for leaders for Rock Solid as I currently don't have any!
- Pray for Dan as he starts his placement in Canada.
- Pray for me as I try to get my next essay written. (And that the weather allows me to get off the island on Tuesday!)

Sunday, 9 February 2014

9th February 2014

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Rock Solid:
We learnt that “In this world you will have trouble…” and thought about what it means that God has “overcome the world” from John 16:33
Rising Tide:

Rising Tide is the youth group during church Sundays. Rising Tide is not on this week but will meet again next Sunday morning.

… We are planning to launch 'The Space' - our new Youth Cafe on February 26th. The Space will be for young people on their way home from school to come and have a free drink and cake. This will be a great chance to build new relationships.

At Moorlands this week:
We started 2 new modules this week – Old Testament Studies and Hermeneutics (interpretation of text). The 2nd and 3rd year students are now all away on block placement so college is very quiet!

At Duke of Edinburgh this week:
We taught the young people how to cook on ‘trangia’ camping stoves that they will use during their expedition.

With Youth for Christ this week:
Prayer Breakfast:
We thought about the things that are 'trials' for us in our work and lives and prayed together.
Team Meeting:
We planned the Catalyst Weekend Away and a couple of upcoming events.
Schools Work:
I joined Pete and Ben at Carisbrooke College on Monday to give out free juice to students at lunch time as part of AOK.
Listening Training:
We had the 3rd of 4 sessions of listening training.
Catalyst Weekend Away:
This weekend I am at Westbrook with YFC and lots of young people from all over the island for our 'Catalyst Weekend Away'. We're sharing lots of worship, games and fun and have lots of seminars lined up - I will be giving a seminar called "Now What?!" about God's plan for our lives.

Things to pray for:
- Catalyst Weekend Away this weekend.
- Good health for all of our Rock Solid leaders.
- Preparations for The Space.
- All the young people involved.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

2nd February 2014

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Rock Solid:
We learnt that the Church is the Body of Christ and played lots of games including one involving marshmallows tied to pieces of thread!

Rising Tide:
Rising Tide is the youth group during church Sundays. This week Rising Tide is a bit different because of the covenant service so we will have a quick chat about what it’s all about.

(Please note: There will be no Rising Tide next week on the 9th February as I will be at the Catalyst Weekend Away.)

… We’re soon going to open a new cafĂ© called ‘The Space’ on Wednesday afternoons. The Space will be for young people on their way home from school to come and have a free drink and cake. This will be a great chance to build new relationships.

With Youth for Christ this week:
Prayer Breakfast:
We thought about being deliberate to pray for specific areas in our work.
Team Meeting:
We planned this week’s youth event – Emerge
We shared a time of sung worship and we heard a talk from Simon about the Gifts of the Spirit.
School’s Work:
          I attended lunch club with others from the YFC team at Christ the King.

At Duke of Edinburgh this week:
We focused on team building and recapped some map skills. I ran a team building exercise with the young people.

At Moorlands this week:
          I handed in an essay on youth work and we completed our modules on ‘Christian Doctrine’ and ‘Youth and Society’

Things to pray for:

-         Rock Solid (On Thursday)
-         Rising Tide (On Sunday)
-         Setting up ‘The Space’ (Pray for provision and wisdom)
-         Volunteers (Pray for those already involved, and that God will make more available)
-         YFC Catalyst Weekend Away (Next weekend)

-         … and pray for all the young people involved in it all!

To get involved: