Sunday, 23 February 2014

23rd February 2014

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Everything has been a bit different this week because it has been the school half term holiday.

Sunday Service
Chloe did very well reading the opening prayers in church, and in Rising Tide we looked at the Transfiguration and we talked about God's glory.

On Monday, Chloe and Kayleigh learnt how to make lots of yummy treats, and on Tuesday they sold them at the coffee morning.

The Space
We're very excited to launch The Space (Youth Cafe) on Wednesday, so this week I spent a bit of time working out practical things like how we're going to set up the room.

We will be needing plenty of cakes and goodies at The Space on Wednesday, so if you're able to make or provide some, let me know and we can arrange collection / delivery.

Time off
On Tuesday evening I left the Island for some time off (although I'm still writing an essay and a sermon!). If you're interested in the other stuff that I get up to, I also keep a personal blog which you can access here.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. 

Things to pray for:

- Pray for Rock Solid this week - for committed, healthy and willing volunteers, and for more young people to come along, feel welcome and enjoy it.
- Pray for the launch of The Space youth cafe. Pray that we get a good turn out, that it goes smoothly, and that everyone has a good time.
- Pray for me as I prepare a sermon for the service on the 2nd March.

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