Sunday, 23 March 2014

23rd March 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church this week:
  • Rock Solid:
Rock Solid just keeps on growing and we welcomed another new girl to the fun this week. We thought about family, made some craft and played 'pirates' among other games.
  • The Space:
The team are all in  high spirits at The Space and this week we even had a young person come in for a hot chocolate and a game of 'dobble' (a card game).
We will need people to make some cakes for this Wednesday so let me know if you can do that.
  • Rising Tide:
We thought about Joshua 6 this week and how the walls of Jericho can represent our sin, getting in the way of us and God, but when Jesus died on the cross he knocked that wall down.

At Moorlands this week:
This was the last week that the campus based students will be in college this term before Easter. I handed in my latest essay on Exodus and we had lectures about the use of poetry in the bible.

With Youth for Christ this week:
  • AOK
I went into Carisbrooke College with a couple of others from YFC to do 'AOK' (Acts of Kindness) - we handed out free juice to the students at lunch time. This is a great opportunity not only to bless the students in a small way, but also to build relationships.
  • Team meeting and Prayer Breakfast
This week we had a 'team morning' so we met up for breakfast on the beach. We welcomed Dan back from Canada and heard all about the youth work that he was doing out there and we spent some time praying for one another.
  • Emerge
We held Emerge - a youth event, on Friday. Emerge is the most 'in depth' event that we run and is a great chance for young people to get together with others who are passionate about God to worship him and hear some quality teaching. I was hosting the evening with Ben, and between times of worship, Hannah gave a talk on our identity in Christ.

And the 'other bits'...
I had a couple of meetings this week, one was generally to chat about the youth work that I am doing and where we are going with it, and the other was really exciting - I met up with a young person to talk about ideas for her future. She has such a heart for God and I'm so excited to see what he will do in her in the near future!

I also had my friend Clare visiting this week so she came around to help out at all the different things that I do. It was lovely to have her here and was really good for me that it made me make some time to just go out and relax, chat and just 'do life' together.

Tomorrow I'm off to Moorlands Bible College for my last 'block week' of my first year. It will be an intense week of lectures but will be a great chance to catch up with the other placement based students and hopefully an opportunity to continue to grow and learn.

Things to pray for:
- Thank God that Rock Solid is still growing and pray his blessing over all the young people and leaders involved.
- Thank God for all of the young people that we are in contact with, even in a small way, through The Space youth cafe, and pray that God will grow that contact.
- Pray for all of the youth work this week to go smoothly whilst I'm away.
- Pray for me as I spend a week studying at Moorlands Bible College.

Lorna Randall

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