Sunday, 16 November 2014

16th November 2014

God is growing our youth work at Gunville Methodist Church and its so exciting!

We've now been running Kids Club and Clusters for two weeks and they've both been really successful.

At Rock Solid we've been having lots of fun making pompoms and cornflake cakes and talking about how God provides for us. 
Rock Solid
At Kids club we've had lots of colour and fun with a great group of kids who we're really excited to spend more time with over the coming weeks and months. We've experimented with all kinds of combinations to spread on toast, and we've learnt about what God has created, from the stars in space, to the things we really need like food and water. We've also had lots of ideas for a name for the kids club... we'll let you know when we decide on our favorite!

Kids Club
We also launched Clusters last week for young people in years 7&8. It's been great to get to spend more time together. Among other things, we've watched a bit of one of the Narnia films and talked about how it is similar to the story of Jesus. 

I've also had lots of meetings (as usual!) and have been going to Moorlands once a week and writing essays.

On Friday 7th we ran CATALYST at YFC where we had a shoe-box wrapping challenge, saw one of the leaders get a marsbar out of green custard with his teeth(!), sang some worship to God and heard a talk about faith in action. It was a great evening and we're looking forward to the next CATALYST on 5th December and EMERGE on the 21st October.

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