Sunday, 23 November 2014

23rd November 2014

Its been another brilliant week at Gunville!

At Rock Solid this week we talked about the fact that just like you cant get anything other than toothpaste out of a tube of toothpaste, only good stuff will come from God. We also played lots of games!

We learnt the same thing at Kids club, and we also talked about rules and had lots of fun with crazy dressing up relay races and other games... (and toast of course!)

Clusters was great too, we asked the girls what kind of questions they want to talk about over the coming weeks... the most popular response was "can we have a sleep over?" !!!

We didn't have Rising Tide this week because we did 'Secret Church' this Sunday morning to help us to learn about and pray for Christians who live in parts of the world where they are persecuted for following Jesus.

This week we also had Emerge at YFC which I presented with Cameron. We had a time for singing worship which was great and we heard a brilliant talk from Ian about trials and temptations.
We had our weekly YFC prayer breakfast on Monday all about being thankful even in tough situations and I've also been writing essays, attending lectures, doing lots of planning and taking part in meetings!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

16th November 2014

God is growing our youth work at Gunville Methodist Church and its so exciting!

We've now been running Kids Club and Clusters for two weeks and they've both been really successful.

At Rock Solid we've been having lots of fun making pompoms and cornflake cakes and talking about how God provides for us. 
Rock Solid
At Kids club we've had lots of colour and fun with a great group of kids who we're really excited to spend more time with over the coming weeks and months. We've experimented with all kinds of combinations to spread on toast, and we've learnt about what God has created, from the stars in space, to the things we really need like food and water. We've also had lots of ideas for a name for the kids club... we'll let you know when we decide on our favorite!

Kids Club
We also launched Clusters last week for young people in years 7&8. It's been great to get to spend more time together. Among other things, we've watched a bit of one of the Narnia films and talked about how it is similar to the story of Jesus. 

I've also had lots of meetings (as usual!) and have been going to Moorlands once a week and writing essays.

On Friday 7th we ran CATALYST at YFC where we had a shoe-box wrapping challenge, saw one of the leaders get a marsbar out of green custard with his teeth(!), sang some worship to God and heard a talk about faith in action. It was a great evening and we're looking forward to the next CATALYST on 5th December and EMERGE on the 21st October.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

2nd November 2014

Last week we had lots going on and next week there will be even more!

Rock Solid last week was super exciting! Not only did we play crazy games like 'jump the sock' and 'newspaper hockey', but we also had a really great time in our upstairs 'chat time' where we ended up talking about what it really means to give your life to Jesus, and some of the girls that come along decided that that was something they would like to do!

I've had lots and lots of meetings, but some of them have been exciting ones about new groups that we're about to launch. This week we'll be hosting the very first kids club at Gunville, and also the first cluster group for years 7&8!

At Moorlands we continued to learn about working with other cultures, and then about the Old Testament where we studied 'covenant texts'.

On Friday YFC ran Emerge which was a great evening of worship and the first of a series of talks about the book of James. We even got a surprise performance from Phil who decided to play a song on guitar!

I've been away visiting friends and family this week while we've had a break from clubs and activities for half term, but I was back in time for our Light Party today where we had lots of craft activities, plenty of fun games and an abundance of yummy food!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

19th October 2014

This week the core team from IoW YFC traveled to Wales for our annual retreat. We spent the week investing time in our relationships with each other and with God.
We took loads of time out to pray, read and chill with God. We sang together, some of us climbed Pen Y Fan, we played some games, went white water kayaking, chatted about our team values, listened to some christian podcasts and just generally enjoyed being 'away from it all' together.

Back on the Island, youth work continued. Some brilliant leaders ran Rock Solid on Monday with lots of fun games, some time for discussion and a craft. 
Today in Rising Tide we're continuing our 'Jesus the healer' theme and looking at a passage from Mark 3.

We're soon planning to launch two new groups - one a kids club, and the other a cluster group. If you'd like to be a part of the team that runs them, we're having meetings about both this week so please get in touch! Its a great opportunity to join a fantastic team of people and to get to be a part of what God is doing among the young people that we work with.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

12th October 2014

It's been another busy week here.
Rock Solid on Monday was particularly exciting as we made rice crispy cakes! We also talked about the fact that although we can't see God, we know that he is still there (with the help of a crayon and some water-color paint!)

This Friday some of the girls from Gunville Rock Solid attended 'Rock Solid Night Hike' in Niton with other Rock Solid groups from across the island. We had so much fun walking around and completing lots of exciting 'spy' challenges.

As the YFC team we've been learning a lot about each other with an afternoon of Myres Briggs training on Monday to think about how we can work together even better. This coming week we're all off on retreat together in mid Wales, so we're looking forward to spending lots of quality time with God and with each other!

Moorlands brought another busy day this week with lectures on incarnation ministry and Old Testament studies.
I've also been to toddler group and a couple of meetings talking about future ideas for the church.

In a couple of weeks time we're planning to launch a couple of new groups - its a great opportunity to get involved in youth and children's work, so if you can do anything from making toast to leading games, get in touch and we'd love to welcome you to the team!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

5th October 2014

We had a very noisy Rock Solid on Monday with 16 talkative girls! We learnt that God thinks we're beautiful inside, and he cares about what our hearts are like rather than our outward appearance. We also played a couple of games and continued a craft that we'd started last week.

I went into CTK on Friday to chat to the young people there at lunch and saw lots of our girls from Rock Solid and chatted with them and their friends. Its a great opportunity to continue to build relationships and to have a bit more input into their week.

With YFC we ran 'Catalyst' youth event on Friday evening with some sung worship, a great talk from Phil about making good choices, and we even gunged one of the leaders!

I've also been to Moorlands this week and had some lectures on Cross Cultural Studies and on the Old Testament, and I've been writing my first essay of 2nd year all about leadership.
As well as that, I've had a few meetings, including our first church council with our new minister where we spoke about having a vision group for the church which was exciting!

Today in Rising Tide Sunday school group we had a bible study about Jesus healing people and the going off to pray and chatted about how we can pray for others as well as other questions that came up like "did Jesus ever get sick?".

This coming Friday evening will be our Rock Solid Night Hike in Niton. It happens annually for Rock Solid groups from across the island but it will be the first one for Gunville Rock Solid so we're very excited!

If you want to get involved in youth work in any way, please do get in touch!

Friday, 26 September 2014


Lots has changed since the last youth work blog!

At Gunville we've seen a huge growth in numbers at Rock Solid over the past few months and we're looking forward to lots of exciting activities that are coming up.
We decided to take a break from The Space, but now we're hoping to start a new group sometime soon.

Over the summer, some of the girls from Rock Solid attended SPREE - a residential youth weekend at Westbrook where we had lots of fun with bouncy castles, a swimming pool and a big water fight among other things and also lots of time to talk about God and sing some great songs.
Gunville Rock Solid also took part in the Rock Solid Sports Night where we competed against other Rock Solid groups in lots of sports activities.

YFC took around 100 young people from the island camping at Soul Survivor this summer where we got to spend loads of time worshiping God, learning some great truths and having loads of fun with 8,000 other people.

Soul Survivor
Since then we've said farewell to 3 core team members, but also welcomed 4 new ones! The team is getting on really well so far and we're excited about all of our plans for the coming year. We ran a Catalyst youth worship event a couple of weeks ago when Hannah spoke about 'keeping the fire burning after Soul Survivor'. We also have lots of great events coming up.

At Moorlands, we've really hit the ground running after the summer break with a block week of lectures followed by a 3 day residential called 'Personal Development Exercise'.

If you'd like to be involved in youth work at Gunville or to find out more, please leave a comment or get in touch!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

8th June 2014

Rock Solid:We played lots of games such as 'doughnut face races' and 'rapi-doh' this week, as well as having a chat about why we have an Old Testament and a New Testament.

Schools Work:
We went into Carisbrooke on Monday to give out free juice and to CTK  on Friday during lunch time to chat to young people there. This week it was warm and dry enough to do it outside, and the sun seemed to make the students much more thirsty than normal so we were very busy!

We had our final day of our first year at Moorlands with talks about preparations for second year and an extended chapel service which was great.

The Space:
The space moved to a later time this evening and we had the opportunity to play some games and have a chat with one of the local young people.

We ran Emerge on Friday with help from a team of people from the Jubilee Training Centre on the Mainland. We shared in some sung worship and heard a talk about 'sonship'

Other stuff:
Other than a few meetings that you probably don't really want to read about in a blog, the 'other stuff' this week includes a Rock Solid film night on Saturday when we watched The Lion King which was great fun, and the youth led service this morning themed on worship.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

25th May 2014

Rock Solid:
We had been planning a scavenger hunt for Rock Solid this week with Newport Rock Solid, however, the weather didn't seem to agree with our plans, so we postponed the scavenger hunt in favor of some games in the dry with the boys from Newport Rock Solid.

Schools Work:
We went into Carisbrooke on Monday to give out free juice and to CTK  on Friday during lunch time to chat to young people there.

We continued our lectures on Hermeneutics and the Old Testament. We looked at Amos in OT, and at allegory and typology in Hermeneutics - the way that some parts of the Old Testament point towards a better version of what they are in the New Testament (I think!)

The Space:
This week we held The Space, as it currently is, for the last time. After half term the time will be changing to 6.30 - 9pm. If you'd like to help out, please let me know! 
(This basically involves drinking hot chocolate, eating cake, and hopefully chatting to young people - who wouldn't want to come and help out?!)

The young people at DofE continued their map work this week. We have been planning an expedition for the end of the month, but unfortunately it has been postponed.

Map work at DofE

At YFC we held a youth worship event on Friday evening called Catalyst. It was themed around peer pressure and we shared in a time of sung worship together.

Other stuff:
I had a meeting with YFC as usual and another meeting with my YFC mentor to chat about how everything is going as a YTP at Gunville. 
I'm leaving the island for a few days over half term to spend some time with my family back home whilst the schools are off and we're not running our usual activities.

On Sunday 8th June we will be holding a youth led service at Gunville Methodist with some young people from Cowes.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

18th May 2014

Rock Solid:
Rock Solid was great fun again this week. We played a 'running around version' of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' among other games, had a chat about what makes you a good or bad person and spent some time making bookmarks.

Craft at Rock Solid

Games at Rock Solid

Schools Work:
We went into CTK as usual on Friday during lunch time to chat to young people there and build relationships.

We had lectures on Hermeneutics and Old Testament again this week, but we also had the author of the book 'Living Out' come in to do a Q&A session in the afternoon which was brilliant.

The young people at DofE worked on their plans for their expedition this week. We're hoping to get them out to complete their practice expedition during half term.

Other stuff:
We have plans for an upcoming service to be led by young people from Gunville and Cowes, so this week I met up with a youth worker from Cowes to start making plans.
I also attended a first aid course this week along with others who are on the youth team at Gunville... so now we're fully prepared!

For Rock Solid this week, we're meeting up with Newport Rock Solid for a scavenger hunt up at the forest - should be good fun!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

11th May 2014


Rock Solid:
We welcomed yet more girls to Rock Solid recently and have been starting to have some really good discussions about faith, life and God. I'm so excited to see the young people really thinking in depth about these kinds of issues and sharing some insightful thoughts. We've also played a bunch of crazy games like 'bed sheet relay races' and 'the water challenge'.

Rock Solid

The Space:
After a quiet week at the end of April, we welcomed 'Go Deeper' (a youth group from Cowes) this week, and after playing a game of dobble and having a drink and cake, they helped us to hand out free cakes around Gunville.
After half term we have agreed to change the time of The Space to 6.30 - 9pm. We hope that this will enable us to fulfill the vision of The Space better and welcome more young people from the local area who have nowhere to go in the evenings.

Rising Tide:
Last week we had a look at heros and talked about how Jesus has saved us. As I was away today at RS weekend Away, Emma led Rising Tide.

Rock Solid Weekend Away and RS Quest:
This weekend I've been at Westbrooke in Ryde helping to lead IOW YFC's annual 'Rock Solid Weekend Away'. The whole weekend is for young people in year 8 from across the island who go to a Rock Solid club. We had a great weekend playing games, eating good food and learning about Jesus.

On Saturday afternoon, everyone else who goes to a Rock Solid club on the island joined us for 'RS Quest' - an afternoon of challenges. Some of our young people from Gunville Rock Solid came along and we teamed up with Niton Rock Solid to form 'NUNVILLE!' Everyone did really well in the challenges and we came in third place!

Some of Team 'Nunville' at RS Quest
Uganda Evening:
Last Saturday I ran a social evening at Church all about Uganda. People got to try some typical Ugandan food, have a go at speaking Luganda and even played a game! 

Local food at the Uganda Evening

This week I finished my last essay for this year and next week I'll be handing in my portfolio - I'll still have a couple more weeks of lectures, but the end of my first year at Moorlands is in sight!

At Duke of Edinburgh the young people have been starting to plan their route for their first expedition which we're hoping to do in May half term.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

27th April 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church:
  • Rock Solid:
    Rock Solid was brilliant this week, we had lots of fun with parachute games, human play-doh and crazy relay races involving bed sheets(!), and everyone got so engaged in a discussion about identity that we didn't even have time for our last activity!
  • The Space:
    Unfortunately it was raining during The Space this week so we didn't have any takers for cake and hot chocolate because everyone wanted to get home and change out of their wet school uniform.
  • Rising Tide:
    In Rising Tide this week we'll be thinking about the responisibility and mission that we have as Christians.
I've almost finished my current essay for Moorlands which is due to be handed in on Tuesday. We had lectures this week on Hermeneutics and on the Old Testament.

With Youth For Christ
  • Team Meeting
    Because we didn't have a meeting on Monday, we met on Thursday to plan Rock Solid Weekend Away.
  • Lunch Club
    We went into Christ the King on Friday for lunch club. As it was raining we couldn't run any games so we just spent some time chatting to young people whilst they were eating their lunch.
  • Emerge
    Emerge is our most 'in depth' youth event. We moved it into a different room this week which is much smaller than usual which gave it a very different feel. We shared in some sung worship together and Simon gave a talk on freedom.

Duke of Edinburgh:

Before Easter we took the young people from DofE on their first day walk, so this week we reviewed how it went and put a programme together for this term - everyone agreed that we need to do a lot more work on navigation and map and compass skills!

  • We need another leader to join Gunville Rock Solid on the 10th May at RS Quest at the Westbrook Centre in Ryde.
  • If you'd like to be involved in baking or providing cakes for The Space please let me know or sign up on the sign up sheet in the church.
  • If you'd like to be involved in helping at Rock Solid, Rising Tide or The Space, or if you have another idea, please contact me.

Things to pray for:
  • Thank God for all of the girls at Rock Solid and pray that they will continue to learn and grow.
  • Pray for The Space and for guidance on how best to move forwards.

Lorna Randall

Sunday, 13 April 2014

13th April 2014

Its the Easter Holidays! 
...So everything is a little different at the moment.

I've taken a few days holiday to visit home and friends over the Easter break whilst we don't have our usual term time activities (And to write an essay!). 
But before I left, the girls from Rock Solid spent a couple of hours washing cars at the church on Tuesday afternoon in aid of Smile Charity Uganda. We had a brilliant afternoon and raised an impressive total of £50! Well done to all the girls, and thank you very much to everyone who brought their cars along and helped out!

Rising Tide, The Space and Rock Solid will resume after the Easter Holiday.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

5th April 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church this week:
  • Rock Solid:
We're now up to 4 times the numbers that we started with at Rock Solid! Last week Kristy and Paul did an amazing job running Rock Solid whilst I was away, with a theme around Mother's Day. This week we looked at Easter and we even had an egg hunt!
  • The Space:
A small miracle happened at The Space this week when we welcomed 8 new people into the cafe for cake, hot chocolate and card games!
  • Rising Tide:
This morning in Rising Tide we're studying the story of Jesus healing Baritmaeus' sight and we're talking about Jesus' authority in different situations.

You may have noticed that I wasn't around last week - this is because I had a 'block week' at Moorlands. We spent the whole week covering World Religions and Church history, including field trips to a Synagogue and Christchurch Priory, and a day of assessed group presentations.
Moorlands have now broken up for Easter so I will go back on the 29th.

With Youth for Christ this week:
  • AOK
AOK stands for Acts of Kindness - we go into Carisbrooke College to hand out free juice to the students at lunch time.
  • Team meeting and Prayer Breakfast
The YFC team met up on Monday and split into groups to do a bit of prayer walking around Newport before out weekly meeting.
  • Vibe
Vibe is our most 'open' youth event. We aim to make it an event that is easy to bring non christian friends to, so it has a few games, a cafe bar serving milkshakes and other treats and a relaxed atmosphere with a very simple message. This term's Vibe was themed around Easter.

Duke of Edinburgh:
The young people at DofE practiced their camp craft this week with a 'camp cooking competition'. This afternoon (Sunday) we'll be taking the out for their first day walk.

  • Car Wash
    Come along on Tuesday between 4pm-6pm to have your car washed by young people from Rock Solid in aid of Smile Uganda Charity, or come and lend a hand doing the washing!
  • RS Quest
    We need another leader to join Gunville Rock Solid on the 10th May at RS Quest at the Westbrook Centre in Ryde and will possibly be needing some transport.
  • The Space
    The Space will be back after Easter on the 23rd April and we will be needing some cakes, cookies, brownies or any other baked treats.
Things to pray for:
- Thank God for continued growth at Rock Solid, and for such a breakthrough at The Space.
- Pray for all the young people over the next couple of weeks as usual activities are not running over Easter.
- Pray for the Car Wash on Tuesday - that it goes really well and raises lots of money.
- Pray for me as I travel home for Easter.

Lorna Randall

Sunday, 23 March 2014

23rd March 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church this week:
  • Rock Solid:
Rock Solid just keeps on growing and we welcomed another new girl to the fun this week. We thought about family, made some craft and played 'pirates' among other games.
  • The Space:
The team are all in  high spirits at The Space and this week we even had a young person come in for a hot chocolate and a game of 'dobble' (a card game).
We will need people to make some cakes for this Wednesday so let me know if you can do that.
  • Rising Tide:
We thought about Joshua 6 this week and how the walls of Jericho can represent our sin, getting in the way of us and God, but when Jesus died on the cross he knocked that wall down.

At Moorlands this week:
This was the last week that the campus based students will be in college this term before Easter. I handed in my latest essay on Exodus and we had lectures about the use of poetry in the bible.

With Youth for Christ this week:
  • AOK
I went into Carisbrooke College with a couple of others from YFC to do 'AOK' (Acts of Kindness) - we handed out free juice to the students at lunch time. This is a great opportunity not only to bless the students in a small way, but also to build relationships.
  • Team meeting and Prayer Breakfast
This week we had a 'team morning' so we met up for breakfast on the beach. We welcomed Dan back from Canada and heard all about the youth work that he was doing out there and we spent some time praying for one another.
  • Emerge
We held Emerge - a youth event, on Friday. Emerge is the most 'in depth' event that we run and is a great chance for young people to get together with others who are passionate about God to worship him and hear some quality teaching. I was hosting the evening with Ben, and between times of worship, Hannah gave a talk on our identity in Christ.

And the 'other bits'...
I had a couple of meetings this week, one was generally to chat about the youth work that I am doing and where we are going with it, and the other was really exciting - I met up with a young person to talk about ideas for her future. She has such a heart for God and I'm so excited to see what he will do in her in the near future!

I also had my friend Clare visiting this week so she came around to help out at all the different things that I do. It was lovely to have her here and was really good for me that it made me make some time to just go out and relax, chat and just 'do life' together.

Tomorrow I'm off to Moorlands Bible College for my last 'block week' of my first year. It will be an intense week of lectures but will be a great chance to catch up with the other placement based students and hopefully an opportunity to continue to grow and learn.

Things to pray for:
- Thank God that Rock Solid is still growing and pray his blessing over all the young people and leaders involved.
- Thank God for all of the young people that we are in contact with, even in a small way, through The Space youth cafe, and pray that God will grow that contact.
- Pray for all of the youth work this week to go smoothly whilst I'm away.
- Pray for me as I spend a week studying at Moorlands Bible College.

Lorna Randall

Sunday, 16 March 2014

16th March 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church this week:
  • Rock Solid:
Rock Solid is continuing to grow and we had two more new girls come along this week. We played a bunch of games and agreed some rules and consequences which the young people came up with and signed. Kristy led a craft session making friendship bracelets with Rock Solid advertising on them to give to a friend who doesn't come along.
  • The Space:
We ventured outside into the sunshine at The Space this week and gave out lots of free cake to young people walking home from school. Although no one stayed it was a good opportunity to bless people and to tell them what we're doing and invite them to come back with friends next week.
We will need people to make some cakes for this Wednesday so let me know if you can do that.
  • Rising Tide:
We looked at Psalms and what we can learn about God from them. After learning lots of things about God, we used all of that to write our own psalm.

At Moorlands this week:
We had hermeneutics lectures in the morning about interpreting the Bible and we specifically learnt about genre and the narrative genre in Genesis. We didn't have any lectures in the afternoon so I made use of the library to make some headway on my Exodus essay.

With Youth for Christ this week:
  • 24hour prayer
Ben - a YFC youthworker who works in South West Wight, is setting up a 24hour prayer space at the end of the month. As this is something that I have a lot of experience in, I went to a meeting with him to help out with ideas for it. I also got to go to his Rock Solid club in Brook just beforehand.
  • Team meeting and Prayer Breakfast
Like usual, we had our prayer breakfast and team meeting on Monday. We thought about praying for people that we know who aren't Christian, and we planned a couple of upcoming Friday evening events.

And the 'boring bits'...
I finished my Exodus essay (including a map!) so that is ready to hand in on Tuesday. I also had a few meetings this week - most of them were to talk about what I'm doing, how I'm getting on and what I need and want to be doing in the future. It's exciting to think about possibilities and opportunities. I really want to provide lots of new experiences for the young people that I work with as I think that this is really important for discipleship.

Things to pray for:
- Thank God that Rock Solid is continuing to grow and pray for all the young people that come along.
- Pray that we get some more young people coming along to The Space.
- Pray that ideas for the future would become realities - that God will make his plan clear and that he will bless what we do.

Lorna Randall

Sunday, 9 March 2014

9th March 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

At Gunville Methodist Church this week:

  • Rock Solid:
We had 2 more new girls at Rock Solid this week! We thought about listening to each other and to God. Kristy led a brilliant session making prayer diaries and we also played some games in which everyone had to listen to each other.

  • The Space:
We opened up the doors at The Space again this week and I ventured up the road with a tray of free cakes to advertise more free cakes and hot chocolate in the warmth of 'The Space'. 

  • Rising Tide:
This morning at Rising Tide we have been looking at Rahab and the spies. We made bracelets to remind us of the red cord and to remind us to help people who are doing good.

At Moorlands this week:
We gave group presentations on the social and cultural background of a given verse. My group had the book of James. We also had lectures on Old Testament in which we started to go into some depth about creation and the fall. I've been working on another essay this week on the book of Exodus.

With Youth for Christ this week:

  • Schools Work: 
We went into Christ the King College for lunch club on Friday where we led some games during lunch time.

  • Renovations:
Some of the guys from YFC stripped the carpet out of our meeting room at Bethany so that we can start renovations on it.

With DofE this week:
We put together a programme for this half term. The young people are looking forward to more team building activities and a ''Camping Masterchef' night, but they don't seem as excited about the map work and route planning. 

And the boring bits...
I've been working on another essay, attended several meetings and done lots of planning and paperwork!

Things to pray for:
- Thank God that Rock Solid is starting to grow and pray that it will continue to go well.
- Pray that we get some more young people coming along to The Space.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

2nd March 2014

An insight into what I get up to as the YTP student in Gunville

What happened this week at Gunville Methodist Church:

Rock Solid:
Exciting things are happening at Gunville Rock Solid! This week we had two new members, and the promise of another next week so we're now up to 7! This week we thought about lent and sacrifice and we made some pancakes.

The Space
The Space - our new free youth cafe, opened for the first time this week with lots of lovely cakes. We had a group of young people from Cowes come along and we had fun chatting and playing a card game called Dobble.
We'll be needing more cakes on Wednesday, so get your aprons out!

You may have noticed (if you were REALLY observant!) that I was preaching in church this morning. This is mainly because I enjoy the opportunity to bring the word of God to you, (and I love to talk!) but also was an assessment for my course at Moorlands.

At Moorlands this week:
We had a brilliant guest lecturer who taught us a method of reading the bible called 'inductive bible study'. We also had a lecture on the Old Testament and I got another essay back with a good grade.

With Youth for Christ this week:
We ran Catalyst on Friday evening for young people from across the island. The theme was sex and relationships and we spent time worshiping God together too.
Schools Work: 
We went into Christ the King for Friday Lunch Club. We spent time chatting with young people and building relationships and I took the opportunity to advertise The Space and Rock Solid.

Things to pray for:
- Thank God that Rock Solid is starting to grow and pray that it will continue to go well.
- Pray that we get some more young people coming along to The Space.